Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rabbit Rundown(ep.7) with Rose of Montana San Antonio

Many of you may have heard of Montana Paint, esp if you're an artist or into graffiti. I did a quick recap with rose of Montana Paint to announce the new line, new store, and new staff.. check them out tonight at Art Vibes!!

"like" them on facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Montana-San-Antonio/119489024821482?ref=ts

shop online:http://thepaintyard.com

Don't forget about Show-n- Prove Nov15th @ the White Rabbit!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rabbit Rundown(ep.6) with Bluzilla One

Here we are at episode 6! To think, the first episode was uploaded just mid August from my webcam to promote The St.Jude's benefit at Art Vibes! Every Rabbit Rundown since has been a learning experience and a lot of fun. I like the idea of these random on the spot videos with people who are doing things and making moves. These videos have been great promotion but, they're also about having fun and keeping it real. I feel as if I can show you, the viewer, a deeper look at some of these oh so inspiring people just by interacting with them normally and knocking off! Now, most of you already see this interaction between Bluzilla and I so, we stepped it up a notch. With help from ADLopez, we sat down and did a full on interview. Recently Bluzilla and I took a trip to Corpus for the Friends and Lovers Transmissions themed art show at the House of Rock in Corpus Christi so, we started with a simple Q&A about this event as well as other art shows. As the Rabbit Rundown continued, jokes started slipping out and laughter fills the audio waves! Special thanks to Bluzilla for allowing me to get an inside scoop and share some laughs.  Adolph did an amazing job of producing this rundown and the amazing intro as well. These are 2 of my favorite people and closest friends .. this Rabbit Rundown (ep.6) with Bluzilla One has been the ultimate collaboration, enjoy! 

for more info about Bluzilla you can find him here:
order books, paintings, prints from Bluzilla here:

Special thanks to my producer Adolph Lopez,
"like" his page and videos
Find us all at artslamsa.com

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rabbit Rundown (ep.5)- Four Horsemen

Ferno. Pak-Man. Rudy. Chacho. 
I knoooowww... what a great line-up riiight?!?!?!!?

This year so many of my favorite people have been working together to create such amazing events and weekly spots. So much that sometimes I find it hard to catch everyone I want to see. Well.. these guys mixed it up and decided to bring you all everything you need under one roof!!! every other Wednesday the Four Horsemen spin everything from hip hop to house and really get your body groovin. With Great drink specials and a crowd full of laughter, Night Rocker is a whole different atmosphere when these guys are on stage. Take a look at the video and see what I mean.

*Ferno takes a break from paparazzi to spin some beats but you can find him and his flicks here:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001351416269 

*Chachohttp://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=606028531)spins at Art Vibes every Tuesday at Studio 13 (http://artvibessa.blogspot.com/

*You can catch PakMan (http://www.facebook.com/DjPakMan718)Saturday nights at Web House and select Mondays at Pedicab Bar & Grill

*Rudy (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001051206866) can be found here: and at Web House on Fridays